
Godot Came

based on S. Beckett's great play “Waiting for Godot”

The calamitous demise of innocent souls during wars arouses a feeling of madness. This sense of commiseration paves the way to render this madness through literature. After World War 2, many literary movements started to rebel against the essential beliefs and values both of traditional culture and traditional literature. In other words, those movements state that the human condition is essentially and ineradicably absurd; the suffering of people to achieve their dreams is meaningless, because everyone dies at the end .Thus, there is no meaning in chasing a purpose, knowing that you pass away at the end of the day.

The contradiction between humanity’s desire to find a meaning in the universe and the universe itself cementers the way to create the theatre of the absurd which criticizes the universe. “Waiting for Godot“ is arguably the most famous literary work of the absurdist theatre. It recounts a plot of two tramps, Vladimir and Estragon; spend the entire play waiting for the arrival of a figure named Godot. Seemingly, the two main characters try to do something while they are waiting for Godot. In order not to feel bored. In other meaning, they are trying to find a meaning.

Godot cam trailer

The journey towards meaning is very dreadful and melancholic; it requires a lot of patience. The majority of seekers quit in the middle of the journey. More broadly, Albert Camus states that people deals with the absurdity of life by many different ways. Most of people cannot bear the purposelessness of life, so they commit suicide as both of Vladimir and Estragon suggest at the outset of the two acts in the play . Moreover, some pleasure could reduce the sorrow of nothingness. In other meaning, the pleasure of company can be seen in the relationship between Vladimir and Estragon. In addition to the company, they also try some food to fulfill the emptiness of their stomach and their lives. Furthermore, one of the great ways to overcome the weeping journey of meaning is to embrace a religious doctrine. For instance, Vladimir considers some religious ideas in the play, because he views it as an escape from the blaspheme of seeking the meaning which religion tends to have.

Art also can be a way to falsify the meaning of life . To illustrate, Vladimir tries at one point to sing as a way to forget the act of waiting . Besides , Camus supposes that being an actor makes you pretend to have a meaning . According to Vladimir and Estragon who are metatextually actors in the play , they try to play the role of Pozzo and Lucky who were gone at the moment . They imitate the way Pozzo treats Lucky , trying to make fun of the sad situation. In addition to the outstated ways of facing the absurdity , having a political power or being a conqueror might be very helpful . For example, Pozzo and Lucky reflect the master and slave relationship; Pozzo owns Lucky as a slave.

Nevertheless, Lucky depicts the hero of the absurd, because he is no longer curious to find any meaning. As he believes that thinking brings suffering.

Godot’s arrival is the entire point of the characters waiting, and of Beckett’s play itself. The revelation that he will not come is at once frustrating, funny and sad. From the boy’s description, it is unclear whether Godot is really a way towards freedom or merely another form of domination, as he seems to be the boy’s master. The act of waiting sounds tiring, and it arouses the feeling of sadness, uselessness and meaningless. Thus , Albert Camus claims in his novel The Myth of Sisyphus that one must imagine Sisyphus happy , because it is the only way to reconcile with the absurdity of actions of rolling the boulder uphill only for it to roll down , and doing this relentlessly forever and ever.

Godot Came

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